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questions :depth perception
Visitor (80.162.*.*)[Danish ]
Category :[Science][Other]
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[Member (365WT)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2019-11-18
This is the individual's reflection of the concavity or convexity of the same object or the distance between different objects. Although the retina is a two-dimensional plane, people can not only perceive plane objects, but also produce deep three-dimensional space perception. This is mainly The clues about depth perception through binocular vision include both physical parallax, binocular convergence, lens adjustment, motion parallax and other physiological clues, as well as object overlap, line perspective, air perspective, object texture gradient, light and darkness. Objective clues such as shadows and the size of familiar objects. According to your own experience and related clues, observing objects with one eye can also produce depth perception..The use of vision to perceive depth is based on the connection between vision and touch in the process of individual development. Through the integration activities of the brain, depth and distance can be judged. However, when individuals are aware of the spatial relationship of objects, they are not Fully aware of the role of the above-mentioned subjective and objective conditions...


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