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questions :Two-week Literature History
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[Visitor (111.8.*.*)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2020-02-08
brief introduction
This booklet collected a total of twenty-one papers written by the author over the past few years. Seven of them were originally published in Oriental magazines, three were written in recent years and not published, and the remaining eleven were published in various journals. Examples of texts are general texts, but the examples given are two-week facts, so they are also appended.
About the Author
Cen Zhongmian (1886-1961) is a well-known modern historian in China. He has devoted his entire life to the study of history, and has made great achievements in the history of Sui and Tang dynasties, pre-Qin dynasty, ancient philology, Chinese and Western transportation and ethnic relations, and historical and geographical research. It has been promoted by historical circles at home and abroad. Mr. Cen Zhongmian has written extensively throughout his life, and has published nearly 20 types of life. He has also published nearly 200 papers, some of which have been published.
table of Contents
Two-week Cultural History
Social System Issues of the Western Zhou Dynasty
Book Catalog
Interpretation of Myths of the People in the Early Zhou Dynasty
A Preliminary Study of the Western Part of the Han Nationality
The Yilan people moving eastward in ancient times——Qusou and Beifa
Chu Discriminates for Eastern Nations
The calculations of the Western Zhou Dynasty
Historical Records of the Six Kingdoms
Types and names of metals used in Zhou Zhu bronzes
What is life dying
Summer time and Di
Fortune and Forbidden Day Seen by Zhou Jinwen

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