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All answers [ 1 ]
[Visitor (111.8.*.*)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2020-02-11
In the French Enlightenment, the encyclopedia was a colorful banner. It was different from the general literary genre and was named because most people participated in the activities of compiling and publishing the "encyclopedia". The people who participated in this work were extremely Broad, including writers, physicians, engineers, travellers, navigators, and military men, including almost all outstanding representatives with advanced ideas in various fields of knowledge.In addition to the book's editor-in-chief Diderot and associate editor Dallembe, Enlightenment writers Montesquieu and Voltaire wrote literary criticism and historical manuscripts, Rousseau wrote music entries, and philosopher Ayr Visiu, Holbach, and utopian socialists Mollery, Marbury, and others are all contributors to the philosophy of the Encyclopedia. They have different perspectives, but they can collaborate and actively participate. People who have edited the Encyclopedia have also been enlightened by materialistic enlightenment, which has historically been called the Encyclopedia...


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