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questions :Glomerular filtration
Visitor (106.66.*.*)
Category :[Science][Other]
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All answers [ 1 ]
[Visitor (111.8.*.*)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2020-02-16
The amount of raw urine produced by adults every day and night can reach 180L, but the final urine output per day is only 1-2L. It can be seen that about 99% of the water is reabsorbed back into the blood when the raw urine passes through the renal tubules and collecting ducts. From the comparison of the components, the final urine is also very different from the original urine, for example, the original urine contains glucose, but the final urine is not; and the final urine contains more creatinine and ammonia than the original urine. It shows that the primary urine still needs to pass through the role of renal tubules and collecting ducts to produce terminal urine.


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