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questions :Who is known as Second Justinian?
Visitor (47.15.*.*)[Bengali language ]
Category :[History][Special History]
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[Visitor (223.146.*.*)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2020-03-04
Justinian was born in 483 to a peasant family in Toleso (now Yugoslavia). He was the nephew of Justin I. Justin I was just a blind Thrace peasant, relying on his army to climb to the throne of Eastern Roman monarchs. Justin I had high hopes for his nephew, Justinian, who had followed him since he was a child, so that he received a good education. Since 518, Justinian has assisted his uncle in administrative affairs and served as imperial administrative director. In 527 AD, he inherited the power of his uncle and officially became the Roman emperor.
Justinian had taken the rebuilding of Roman slavery as the goal of his life since the day he took office. In order to achieve this, in the military, he went to war and spent 20 years defeating Persia. The Empire, defeating the Vandals, recaptured parts of Italy, North Africa, and Spain from the Goths, and the Mediterranean once again became Rome's inner lake; domestically, Justinian focused his attention on fighting corruption in the government Encourage the development of commerce and industry, and start building civil engineering, building castles, monasteries and churches. Constantinople's famous Hagia Sophia is one of them.The great cost of civil engineering and warfare led to increased taxes, which led to rebellion in many places, almost overthrowing Justinian's rule. In 565, Justinian died, and soon East Rome again fell into decline...

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