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questions :magnesium hydroxide
Visitor (79.106.*.*)[Albanian ]
Category :[Technology][Chemical Energy]
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[Visitor (111.8.*.*)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2020-04-02
Magnesium hydroxide, chemical formula Mg (OH) 2, formula weight 58.32. White amorphous powder. Aliased caustic magnesite, light burned magnesia, etc. The suspension of magnesium hydroxide in water is called magnesium hydroxide emulsion, referred to as magnesium milk Magnesium hydroxide is a colorless hexagonal prism crystal or white powder, difficult to dissolve in water and alcohol, soluble in dilute acid and ammonium salt solution, and the aqueous solution is weakly alkaline. The solubility in water is very small, but the part soluble in water is completely Ionization. The concentration of saturated aqueous solution is 1.9 mg / L (18 ℃). Heating to 350 ℃ loses water to generate magnesium oxide. Magnesium hydroxide is a natural mineral brucite. It can be used for sugar and magnesium oxide..Because magnesium hydroxide is rich in nature, and its chemical properties are similar to aluminum, users have begun to use magnesium hydroxide instead of aluminum chloride for deodorant products. It is used as an analytical reagent and also used in the pharmaceutical industry...
CAS number


Molecular formula



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