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questions :magnetic force
Visitor (46.99.*.*)[Albanian ]
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[Visitor (111.8.*.*)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2020-04-02
What is magnetism? We call the property that an object can attract iron, cobalt, nickel and other substances called magnetism. Since magnetism refers to a characteristic that a magnet can attract a paramagnetic substance, it is determined by the nature of the magnet itself. Magnetic force is a kind of interaction force. There is no magnetic force in the magnet itself. It is the result of the interaction between two magnets and can be expressed as repulsion and gravity. So we can only say that the two poles of a magnet have the strongest magnetism, not the "magnet poles have the greatest magnetic force." When it comes to the nature of a magnet, we must say magnetism, and when we talk about the interaction between magnets, we should say magnetic force.


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