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questions :Mixed number
Visitor (185.62.*.*)[Albanian ]
Category :[Science][Other]
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All answers [ 1 ]
[Visitor (111.8.*.*)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2020-04-19
The so-called 100-mixing is an operation in which various feed ingredients are blended with each other under the action of external force to make them evenly distributed after being metered.

According to the mixing process, the mixing operation is divided into batch mixing and continuous mixing.

(1) Mixing in batches The various mixing components are configured together according to the requirements of the ratio of the formula and sent to the "batch mixer" for periodic knowledge work for mixing. The three working processes of feeding, mixing and unloading of the mixer cannot be carried out at the same time, and the three working processes form a complete mixing cycle. This mixing method is easy to change the formula, and there is less mixing between the batches. It is a commonly used mixing process in Dao.
(2) Continuously mix all kinds of materials separately and continuously measure them at the same time, and put them back into a stream containing various components according to the proportion of the formula. When the stream enters the continuous mixer, it is mixed into a uniform stream. Its advantage is that it can be continuously produced, the front and back sections are easy to connect, and the operation is simple. Before the answer, continuous mixing is only used for occasions where the mixing quality is not high.


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