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questions :Branch of Applied Psychology
Visitor (112.79.*.*)[Bengali language ]
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[Visitor (112.21.*.*)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2020-06-07
Three psychological test techniques derived from the words and deeds psychological assessment consulting technology: questionnaire technique, situational test technique, projection test technique. Questionnaire technique is a way to understand the psychology of the subjects by answering the designed questions in writing. It is also standardized Psychological test scale. Psychological counseling is a method to understand the psychology of the person being consulted through oral answering questions. Situational test: Situational test refers to the tester setting a certain situation and standard, and observing the testee’s reaction in the situation , A method for evaluating the development status of the tested person according to the pre-defined standards.Projection technology; it uses the psychological activity products of the subjects (association, recall, painting, story, manual collage, handwriting, even dreams, jokes, essays, etc.) to make inferences based on the evaluation experience and empirical data to evaluate the performance, reflection, The projected subject's moral consciousness, emotions, personality psychological characteristics, etc. Projection technology: the term projection is the psychology of the idealist school, and the psychology of the materialist school is called performance. That is, the psychological performance is expressed in behavior and speech, and the reflection of words and deeds is psychological .Rorschach Ink Test, Topical Consciousness Test, Sentence Completion Test, and Free Association Test all ask and listen to their speech to evaluate their psychological characteristics; painting and writing are to observe and touch their behavior to evaluate their psychological characteristics.The habitual words and deeds test technique is for researchers to listen to the testee's habitual language and observe the testee's habitual behaviors and their micro-expressions and micro-actions purposefully and in a planned manner. Or analysis of the traces left by behaviors and behaviors, to understand people’s psychological laws and psychological content. The habitual speech and behavior psychology test techniques include: habitual speech mode analysis technology, habitual speech ability level analysis technology and habitual behavior action method analysis technology , Habitual behavior ability level analysis technology and micro-expression, micro-action psychoanalysis technology.(On the actual questionnaire psychological test technology, situational test technology, projection test technology are derived from the word and deed test technology, so they should be listed as constituting the field of word and deed test technology). Questionnaire technology and situational test technology, recognized by the Chinese and Western psychology circles Limitations include: subjective adjustments in the test may be subject to good, bad, moderate, default, random answers and disguise, disguise after seeing through, time-consuming, high cost, cumbersome design, etc. At the same time, the Chinese generally think that the questionnaire The test is not credible, and its surface validity is not high; the habitual test of words and deeds breaks through the "uncertainty law" of psychology.The habitual behavior test technique is to observe its habitual behavior and listen to its habitual speech and observe and analyze micro-expressions, micro-actions, and to recognize the psychological characteristics of people. The habitual speech-action system has the advantages of easy access to materials, confidentiality, reliability, accuracy and comprehensiveness, and speed and simplicity. The superiority of the identifiable psychological characteristics breaks through the original limitations of questionnaire psychological measurement and situational psychological test, and deepens people's research and understanding of personality differences. The habitual psychological test technique of words and deeds is the most scientifically scientific (simple and reliable , Effective) measuring the psychology of people, becoming a highly practical technology. Compared with situational testing techniques, the habitual test of words and deeds has the advantage of not being confined to specific specific situations, and does not have to consume a lot of manpower and financial resources..Compared with situational technology, questionnaire technology has the advantage of being able to focus on a large-scale sampling in a period of time, but its validity is not as high as that of situational testing. Handwriting psychological test and micro-expression, micro-action of one of the customary psychological test techniques for words and deeds Mind measurement is a purposeful observation and analysis of the writer’s habitual touch behaviors and micro-expressions and micro-actions to understand the personality of the writer, such as psychological characteristics of personality, intelligence and level; behavior style style and ability.The handwriting lines are the carrier of human writing behaviors (more subtlely speaking: the handwriting line touch writing action, the reflection of the handwriting line touch writing action is the handwriting line tactile sense). Accurate, quick and simple recognition of the advantages of people's psychological characteristics, and has become the top priority of habitual psychological test techniques for words and deeds. Handwriting psychology (handwriting psychological evaluation technology) and painting psychoanalysis technology and micro-expression, micro-action psychoanalysis technology. It is the top priority of the application technology of psychology application and evaluation center, and will be the mainstream of psychological testing in psychology in the 21st century...

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