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questions :LIU HSIEH what is?
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[Visitor (23.83.*.*)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2020-07-05
Liu Xie (April 2, 181-April 21, 234), the word Bohe, that is, the Emperor of Han Dynasty, the last emperor of the Eastern Han Dynasty (reigned from 189-220), the second son of Han Hong, Liu Hong, the emperor of Han Dynasty Liu Dianyi's younger brother is Wang Ling, the queen of Linghuai.
He was raised by the Queen Mother Dong and behaved dignifiedly. He was called "Donghou". The Han Emperor took the throne and was named the King of the Bohai Sea. After the eunuch's rebellion, he changed the name to Chen Liuwang. On the 28th), under the support of Sikong Dong Zhuo, he assumed the position of emperor Dong Zhuo. After being condemned by Dong Zhuo, Li Yong and Guo Bin were escorted by Yang Zhuo and Dong Cheng. They escaped from Changan and fled eastward. (196), attached to Yanzhou Mucao Cao, moved to Xuchang. Not willing to become a puppet emperor, urged Dong Cheng and Fu Wanqi to fight against Cao, but the result was unsuccessful. Jianan twenty-five years (220 years), ten years after Cao Cao’s death Yue Yimao (November 25, 220), under the persecution of Wei Wang Cao Pi, abdicated to Zen, and was reduced to the prince of Shanyang County, keeping the emperor's etiquette and marrying Cao Pi with her second daughter...
Qinglong was born in the second year (234 years) and died at the age of 54. He was buried in the Zen Tomb and was named Emperor Xiaoxian.


Han Xiandi, Shanyang Gong, Liu Bohe

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The era

Eastern Han Dynasty

Ethnic group

Han nationality

place of birth

Luoyang County, Henan County (now Luoyang, Henan)

Birth time

April 2, 181

Time of death

April 21, 234

Posthumous name

Emperor Xiaoxian (Wei), Emperor Xiaotu (Shu Han)

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