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questions :What is sports?
Visitor (202.137.*.*)[Laotian language ]
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[Visitor (23.83.*.*)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2020-07-05
Sports; is a set of rules involving physical strength and skills, but also behavior activities constrained by habits, usually competitive. There is no non-moving object, and there is no movement that can leave the object. Movement is conservative, that is, movement can neither be created nor destroyed, its specific forms are diverse and can be transformed into each other, and the total amount of movement remains unchanged during the transformation. In geometry, rigid motion is described as a mapping of a plane to itself and the distance between any two points A, B is the same as the distance of its image A'=M(A), B'=M(B). Philosophically, the definition of motion is: the linear migration of objects in space and time.


Activities, actions, dredging.


Stop, block, stop

Track and field, ball games, swimming, martial arts, running, etc.

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