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questions :History
Visitor (14.248.*.*)[Vietnamese language ]
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All answers [ 1 ]
[Visitor (58.214.*.*)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2020-08-29
Calendar history: The development process of the objective world movement can be divided into two aspects: natural history and human social history. For example, the history of the universe, the history of the earth, the history of mankind, the history of birds and so on. Corresponding to the concept of history, history also has a broad sense and a narrow sense. In a broad sense, "history" can refer to all events that have occurred in the past, not necessarily related to human society.
Generally speaking, the commonly referred to as history refers to the history of human society. History refers to what happened in the past, and history is an objective thing. Literature and history are inseparable. Literature participates in historical construction and inheritance in its own way. This applies not only to the creation of historical themes, but also to all literary works and literary studies. History is not a little girl who can be dressed up, and literature cannot "empty" history.
History is not shifted by human will. However, history is written by humans. Since it is written by humans, it will be mixed with human emotions, human happiness, anger, sorrow, and happiness. Therefore, the historical text you see, It is a history of human emotions. History occurs at any time and is a true record of people's free activities in the past. The meaning of its existence is to allow people to summarize the past, enrich their future lives, learn from history and discuss the present.

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