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questions :The rules of handball?
Visitor (41.222.*.*)[Swahili language ]
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[Visitor (58.214.*.*)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2020-09-13
The rules of handball competition are as follows
The handball game time is divided into the first half and the second half, each is 30 minutes; the intermediate rest time is usually 10 minutes. Each team has a timeout during the first and second half (only the team has the right to hold the ball, and the timeout can be obtained, that is, to record The station submits a time-out application card), and the time-out time is 1 minute. If the two sides reach a tie at the end of the normal game time, and the competition rules require that the winner must be determined, the game in the final period will be played after a 5-minute break. It consists of two 5 minutes, with a 1-minute rest (the two sides exchange venues). If the tie is still after the first deciding period, the second deciding period will be played after a 5-minute rest. The second deciding period is still two 5 minutes, 1 minute rest in between.If there is still a tie after the second deciding period, one goal will be selected to throw a 7-meter ball to determine the winner. That is, 5 players from both sides will be thrown in turn; if it is still a tie, it will be played The penalty is thrown 1 to 1 until the winner is determined...
Each team in the Olympic handball competition is only allowed to register 15 players, and 14 players are registered in the record sheet for each game. All personnel entering the stadium shall abide by the principle of substitution in their own substitution area. If this regulation is violated, the offending player will be Was penalized for 2 minutes. In the game, there are 7 players on the field, of which 6 are on the field, and there must be 1 goalkeeper on the field from beginning to end. A player who is recognized as a goalkeeper can become a player on the field at any time. Similarly, a player on the field You can also act as a goalkeeper at any time. The color of the goalkeeper’s clothing must be clearly different from that of the players on the field, and the number of the players remains unchanged. At any time during the game, there should be no more than 7 players on the field. The remaining 7 are substitutes and must sit on the bench. On the table.There are also team officials sitting on the bench, such as team leaders, coaches, team doctors, etc. The total number must not exceed 4. The team officials must designate 1 person as the "team leader", and only the official and timekeeper/recorder are allowed Players or referees when necessary. Team officials are not allowed to enter the court without permission. Violation of this rule will be punished as a non-sportsmanship. The number of handball players is specified as 1-20. The rules do not specify athletes Which number must be used, but according to custom, goalkeepers usually use number 1, 12 and 16...
Main penalties:
   The handball rules stipulate that only the goalkeeper is allowed to enter the goal area, and players of both offensive and defenders are not allowed to enter the goal area to make a profit. However, the offensive player may not be penalized if he enters the goal area after the ball is taken, or the defensive player enters the goal area without profit.
The    handball rules stipulate that the offensive player is allowed to take 3 steps with the ball, and 3 steps can be taken after the dribble, and the ball cannot be held for more than 3 seconds. If you violate it, you will be sentenced to violation. In a handball game, the two sides do not need to go through the record table and the referee's permission for substitutions, as long as they follow the principle of first down and then up in the substitution area of their own. In the event of a violation, the offending player shall be sentenced to 2 minutes of playing, and other players cannot be substituted within the penalty time, that is, the player is reduced on the court.
   Handball rules allow defenders to use open arms to defend and move the ball in the opponent's hand with their hands, but it is not allowed to hit the ball in the opponent's hand with a fist. Defensive players can use their bodies to block the movement of opponents with or without the ball; they can use their curved arms to contact offensive players from the front. However, it is not allowed to use push, pull, hug, bump, hit, trip, etc., and it is not allowed to deliberately throw the ball on the opponent.
The biggest feature of handball competition rules for foul action is mainly reflected in the principle of escalation. For acts of taking foul action, the degree of punishment should be gradually increased. According to the rules of handball competition, there are four types of penalties for players fouling: warning, penalty for 2 minutes, disqualification, and expulsion. According to the situation at the time of the foul, the opponent may be awarded a free kick or a 7-meter ball. Handball matches are jointly in charge of two referees with equal powers. Referees use 18 standard gestures in the on-the-spot judging

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