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questions :Importance of Human Resource Information System
Visitor (157.34.*.*)[Hindi ]
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[Visitor (58.214.*.*)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2020-09-27
Comprehensive analysis of the necessity of implementing HR information system
First of all, the expansion of the scale of enterprise personnel makes the traditional manual handling of human resource affairs no longer fully meet the needs of the rapid development of the enterprise. At this time, you can consider introducing HR information systems; second, you must fully consider the human resources as the leader of enterprise change The department, whether the division of responsibilities within its own department is clear, whether the responsibility is implemented to the individual, whether the human resources work process is clear, etc., only when these issues are very clear, the subsequent implementation of the HR information system can move forward smoothly Advance; again, whether it is to develop an HR information system by itself or to introduce a mature HR information system from an external manufacturer, it needs to be based on the current needs of the company and the needs of the company's future development.,Selecting some or all of the modules in the HR information system that meets the characteristics of the company selectively. If it is out of the actual needs and seeks to be larger, it will inevitably be difficult to continue to implement and be effective in the subsequent implementation and application stages. Applied phenomenon,Need firm support from management from start to finish
As an important part of the overall informatization strategy, HR information system can be recognized and supported to the maximum extent by managers. It is very necessary for the smooth implementation and successful application of this project. The recognition and participation of senior managers can Provide a model for the entire enterprise; especially in the initial stage of the project, the participation of middle managers can provide basic support and assistance for the implementation of the project.Human resources have gradually evolved into the first resource of the enterprise, and the rigidity of the HR information system itself makes the implementation and application of the system bound to involve the interests of all parties, which requires firm support from senior leaders. , Actively coordinate the various stakeholders within the company, and finally reach the same goal, and jointly promote the successful implementation and effective application of HR information system projects...
Establish a project team in a timely manner led by the HR department
After the preliminary feasibility analysis of the project, once it is decided to start the project implementation of the HR information system, it is necessary to form a project team responsible for the implementation of the project in time, and implement relevant specific work to each member of the project team.The leader of the project team must be the senior leader of the company to correctly guide the direction of project implementation and coordinate the interests of all parties; the executive deputy team leader is the head of the human resources department to effectively supervise, motivate, and coordinate the project Implementation work; the deputy team leader is respectively a human resource worker who is familiar with the company's HR work process and internal work process of the company, and an information technology backbone of the company's information department. The HR information system is effective for human resources work and information technology. In combination, a person familiar with the basic work is required as the coordinator of the daily work; the team members are composed of one or more basic human resources workers who are serious and responsible for their work, and are responsible for the implementation of the system as a system administrator.,At the same time, as the human resources work of the strategic partners of the line department, the HR specialists or supervisors of the line departments also need to coordinate the specific work and participate in part of the implementation work to obtain the strong support of the line department...
Select the best HR vendors that meet the actual situation of the company
After years of experience accumulation, various HR vendors have their own different advantages in different functional modules of HR. Therefore, the system with the most complete functions is not necessarily the most suitable system. First of all, aside from developing HR information systems by yourself, What we need to be clear is whether to directly introduce software from external manufacturers or to carry out secondary development based on the introduction.HR information system software has a certain degree of scalability. Therefore, for small and medium-sized enterprises, direct introduction can be adopted, while for large-scale enterprises, secondary development needs to be carried out on the basis of introduction; secondly, as for choosing domestic manufacturers The product of a foreign manufacturer depends on the overall strength of the company; in addition, the choice of B/S structure or C/S structure, generally speaking, the development and full application of the network, you can consider choosing the B/S structure.Specific to the selection of different software of each manufacturer, we need to send an invitation to the relevant manufacturer, and on the basis of clarifying the basic needs, ask the relevant manufacturer to make a product demonstration, and invite all the employees of the company's internal HR department to judge; on this basis , The company should select its key customers to visit to further understand the actual application value of the manufacturer’s software; after the basic preliminary inspection work is completed, the project bidding work should be carried out, and the company’s project team should determine the final The manufacturer, if necessary, needs to be decided by the company's senior leadership collective...
Both companies and manufacturers actively coordinate and communicate effectively
The manufacturer’s project team is very familiar with its own software, and at the same time has mature and rich implementation experience, while the enterprise’s project team is very clear about its own needs, process definitions, etc., and it can be smoothly promoted by seeking the combination of both parties Project implementation.For example, the weekly work progress meeting during the project implementation period is indispensable. When major problems arise, they must be coordinated in time to propose effective solutions; the data import process in the early stage of project implementation should closely cooperate with each other to reduce subsequent data The proofreading of information; continuous training of the project team by the implementer is one of the keys to the success of the project; the respect and mutual understanding of both parties are also an important factor in the project's progress...
Strive for the participation and support of all employees

Strive for the participation and support of all employees of the company, and conduct a trial operation within HR. Use the company's internal publications, networks, conferences and other publicity channels to comprehensively convey the concept and application prospects of the HR information system to the leaders and employees at all levels of the company, so that they can have sufficient confidence in the application of the system; after all, the application after the system is implemented This is where we implement the system. At the same time, it is necessary to use the flexibility of the HR information system itself to conduct a comprehensive test of the system with a test set of accounts within the HR department to reduce errors and shortcomings in the comprehensive promotion and application, and to improve in time.

A mobilization meeting should be held
In the later stage of project implementation, a full mobilization meeting should be held. The mobilization meeting attended by the company's senior leaders will definitely show that the company attaches great importance to this project, and the full-staff training conducted by the manufacturer will correctly guide the majority of employees to fully apply this system.

Continuously revise and improve the HR information system
After the HR information system enters the formal operation, the traditional manual processing of human resources affairs and the information processing of human resources affairs need to coexist for a period of time in order to effectively change the working methods and methods. The system will also undergo a relatively long-term maintenance In the process, the system's standardization, process and individual characteristics are gradually brought into play. After continuous correction and improvement, the system can be on the right track. The identity of the previous system administrator should be clearer at this time, responsibilities should be clearer, and the system should be opened The service hotline of the application is the employee customer service center, and the system administrator is the person in charge to answer all kinds of problems in the system application in detail.It is worth pointing out that because the HR information system is based on standard business processes, it requires employees’ personal habits to obey the unified management norms of the enterprise, and management can only be a habit that everyone follows in order to play its best. effect...

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