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questions :photocurable what is?
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[Visitor (58.214.*.*)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2020-10-05
Light curing: refers to the curing process of monomer, oligomer or polymer matrix under light induction, generally used in the film forming process. The technology has the characteristics of high efficiency, wide adaptability, economy, energy saving and environmental protection.

Light curing of unsaturated polyester resin; the activation energy generated by ultraviolet light with the highest energy in the spectrum can break the C-C bond of unsaturated polyester resin and generate free radicals to cure the resin. When a photosensitizer is added to the unsaturated polyester resin, it is triggered by ultraviolet or visible light as an energy source, which can cause the resin to quickly undergo a crosslinking reaction.


Light curing refers to monomers and oligomers

Technology Introduction

Light curing technology is an energy saving and


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