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questions :Origin Folk song
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[Visitor (58.214.*.*)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2020-10-22
Chinese folk songs have a long tradition. Far in primitive society, our ancestors began to sing in activities such as hunting, transporting, sacrificing, entertaining the gods, rituals, and courtship. As recorded in the ancient literature, such a "Tangge": "Broken bamboo, continued bamboo; flying soil, chasing meat." It described the whole process of hunting labor in primitive times in a very general way. Although the whole folk song has only eight characters, it is like a lifelike primitive shooting picture. It is a precious material and pleasing artistic treasure for us to understand and understand people's production and life in primitive times.
The "Book of Songs" of the Zhou Dynasty was the first collection of poems in China. The "Guo Feng" collected folk songs from the fifteen regions of the Yellow River Basin from the Western Zhou Dynasty to the middle of the Spring and Autumn Period. From the Western Zhou Dynasty to the middle of the Spring and Autumn Period (from the 11th century BC to the 6th century BC), the complicated social life, class struggle, and the living conditions of the working people have lasted for more than 500 years. Many of these excellent works include "Fad Tan" and " Shuo Mouse, Decline, and Jiang Zhongzi, etc., not only have a high degree of ideology, but also have outstanding artistic achievements. They have created many bright and moving images with ingenious bixing techniques.These folk songs vividly reflect the spiritual outlook of the working people in ancient China and their creative talents. Their high degree of people and realism have become the fine tradition of Chinese folk songs...
Following the "Book of Songs", "Chu Ci" appeared in the fourth century BC. Chu Ci includes two types of works: one is the poetry composed by the great poet Qu Yuan and other Chu poets based on the tune of Chu national songs; the other is the lyrics of the Chu national songs compiled by them. For example, "The Songs of the Chu" included Qu Yuan's "Nine Songs", and the 11 folk ritual songs of "Nine Songs" were compiled and processed by Qu Yuan based on the folk ritual songs of the southern part of the country. The biggest characteristic of Chuci is full of fantasy and enthusiasm, which laid the initial cornerstone for the romantic tradition of Chinese folk songs.
The Yuefu folk songs and Xianghe songs of the Han, Wei and Six Dynasties have further inherited and developed the excellent traditions of the above two. ``War of the City South'' and ``Fifteen Military Conquests'' were excellent folk songs that reflected the social reality in a relatively profound way. Due to the need for content, they broke through the four-character poetry style of The Book of Songs in form, and developed sentence patterns of different lengths and five-seven-character styles, which enriched the expressive power of folk songs. This new form was adopted. Called "Yuefu Style", it has a great influence on the creation of folk songs and poets in the future. The emergence of "xianghege" broke through the form of "tu song" and added accompaniment..From the tunes of the Tang Dynasty to today's rap and opera, there is a direct relationship with it, such as the long narrative song ``The Peacock Flies Southeastward'', etc., which fully demonstrate the major discoveries of song creation...
Although not many folk songs of the Tang Dynasty have been preserved, it can be seen from the "quzi" materials unearthed in Dunhuang and the records of Yanyue and Bianwen that the creation and spread of the folk songs of the Tang Dynasty is quite prosperous. With the need to reflect the content of life, the folk songs of the Tang Dynasty have been continuously processed by many people, and they have developed higher in tune style and singing form. The production of "Music", in addition to being used for a cappella alone, is also widely used in rap, singing and dancing, and is loved by the people, becoming a bridge for folk songs to more complex art forms. This kind of "quzi" has a beneficial influence on the development of Song Ci and Yuanqu in the future.
In the modern period of the Ming and Qing Dynasties, as new capitalist economic factors began to sprout, a considerable number of outstanding folk songs with a strong people's character were produced in the extremely sharp struggle between class contradictions and ethnic contradictions. The folk songs of this period, in addition to having a wide range of content and fresh, lively and simple language, are also more free and lively in form than before. From the songs such as "Water Dragon Yin" and "Long Song Xing" collected by "Wei's Music Score", as well as the traditional brand song "Six Rejoices at the Mountain Gate" in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, it can be seen that regardless of the performance of the lyrics, the structure of the song, and the tune Ability and other aspects have been greatly enriched.
After the May Fourth Movement, with the rapid development of the people's revolutionary movement, Chinese folk songs entered a new period of development, and the fighting theme of anti-imperialist and anti-feudal became its new characteristics and historical mission.
The birth of the People’s Republic of China gave new life to folk songs, and the creation of folk songs has entered a new era. The working people turned and became masters. The bright prospects are unfolding before people’s eyes, just like a person who has gone through a hard journey. After traveling in the desert, I suddenly saw the blue waves of the sea. People were excited, and songs continued to flow from their excited hearts. People sang their infinite love for the party, Chairman Mao, and new life. The people have created handed down works such as "Dongfanghong", "Our Leader Mao Zedong", "Liuyang River", and "August Osmanthus Blooming Everywhere".

The American culture is relatively short in comparison (Chinese, English, continental Europe, etc.); besides we hear some American grievances, dance music, and jazz music, we will hear a lot of the hearts and minds of the people in the Midwest. The heart song of the second generation of native American people, Pioneer Country Fork Music, is like Woody Guthrie's;'This land is my land', Oh Susanna, Michael, Row the Boat ashore, etc., this is a classic American folk song. The Weavers (Pete Seeger), The Kingston Trio, The Highway Man, etc. can be said to be the pioneers of American folk songs.
As for the father of folk songs called American modern (in the sixties called modern, and we were called at the end of postmodern in 2004), Bob Dylan. Bob Dylan is called the "Father of Modern Folk Songs" because in the 1960s, he first rebelled and complained with his poetic writing in the 1960s; he wrote a lot of contemporary American land and culture. A piece of the mentality of a new generation of intellectuals and young people. And these words and songs can really influence the culture of the United States and even the world (not only music culture) directly, indirectly, and from generation to generation.

As for other Western folk singers that everyone can often hear: PPM's favorite (believed to be) Peter, Paul and Mary, Simon and Garfunkel, Donovan, Joni Mitchell, John Denver, etc.

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