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questions :polyesters what is?
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Category :[Technology][Chemical Energy]
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[Visitor (58.214.*.*)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2020-12-03
Polyester, a polymer generally known as polyols and polyic acids. Mainly refers to polyethylene benzoate (PET), customary also includes polythyl xylene (PBT) and polyfange isoplastic resin. It is a class of engineering plastics with excellent performance and wide use. It can also be made into polyester and polyester films. Polyester includes polyester resins and polyester elastomers. Polyester resins also include polyethylene benzoate (PET), polydylene glycate (PBT) and polyfange (PAR). Polyester elastomers (TPEEs) are generally made up of the polymerization of methamphetamine, 1,4-butyl glycol and poly butanol, and the chain segment consists of hard and soft segments, which are thermoplastic elastomers. Concept. Polymers from polyols and polyic acids
Mainly included PET, PBT and polysalt Production method Ester exchange shrink method, direct esterification shrink method, etc Advantages. Excellent performance and versatility Applications Fibers, films and plastics

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