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questions :Intelligence theories
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[Visitor (58.214.*.*)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2020-12-17
Intellectual theory refers to the opinions and theories on a series of basic problems such as definition, factor, structure, formation and development of intelligence. The basis for measuring, operating, researching and applying intelligence. There are still differences on many issues. For example, there are dozens of definitions of intelligence, some think it is an adaptive ability, some think it is a learning ability, some think it is an abstract thinking ability, and some even think it is just the result of an intelligence test.
Most scholars tend to think that intelligence is the ability to analyze and solve problems, including observation, memory, attention, imagination, and thinking. There are also many theories about the composition and structure of intelligence, such as second-cause theory, multi-factor theory, group factor theory, hierarchical theory, two-dimensional structure theory, three-dimensional structure theory, throosyscence theory, PAss model and so on. As for the origin of intelligence, there is the debate between the internalization of activities and the externalization of activities. On the issue of intellectual development, there are stage of development, negative acceleration of development, development interaction and so on.


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