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questions :I have this disease in both eyes. What do I do and what is the solution?
Visitor (212.126.*.*)[Arabic ]
Category :[Technology][Pharmaceutical Industry]
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Moroccan corneal ulcer
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[Visitor (112.21.*.*)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2021-01-14

Corneal ulcers can cause dry eyes, decreased corneal perception, susceptible to infection, secondary glaucitis, conjunctiv cataracts, etc.


Corneal ulcer treatment is just beginning, at least once a week, to achieve the treatment goal, the disease control and stability can be reviewed once a month.


Corneal ulcer patients need a high protein diet, advocating a light diet during the inflammatory period, do not eat spicy stimulant food, do not eat fatty and fatty food, eat more fruits and vegetables to supplement vitamins.

Dietary conditioning
High protein diet, such as lean meat, eggs, dairy products, soy products, etc. , inflammation period advocates a light diet, do not eat spicy stimulant foods such as ginger, leeks, peppers, garlic, especially garlic, because these stimulants can cause inflammation to increase repeatedly, do not eat fatty food, eat more fruits and vegetables such as apples, pears, watermelons, tomatoes and so on.

No smoking, no drinking, alcohol and tobacco can stimulate inflammation.


Corneal ulcer patients should keep the size of the stool smooth, avoid coughing, constipation, sneezing and other actions to increase eye pressure, to avoid corneal perforation, pay special attention to the toxic side effects of the drug.

Daily care
Eye drops: Understand the role, dosage, usage, adverse reactions and precautions of various types of eye drops or oral or intravenous drops to guide the correct use of patients.

Exercise: Early bed rest, close your eyes to let your eyes rest more. Avoid coughing, constipation, sneezing, etc. to prevent corneal perforation.

Follow medical advice, regular eye examinations, do not use or deactivate medication at will.

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