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questions :winter smog
Visitor (31.217.*.*)[Croatian ]
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[Visitor (112.21.*.*)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2021-01-14
How to use smoke agents in winter

Precautions should be used in advance

The use of smoke agents to prevent disease should be used in the early stages of disease, so as to control the incidence of the disease at an early stage. For example, as is common in winter, gray mold in the early stages of the onset of the disease, the amount of spores of bacteria is small, at this time medication can generally be used to control the bacteria spores at a lower level, thus avoiding the serious occurrence of later gray mold. In the early stage of pest occurrence, when the pest's resistance to the agent is poor, and the amount of occurrence is small, easy to control.

Choose a good time to use the medicine at the right time
Smoke agents are chosen to be used in the evening or on cloudy days because they are less prone to deposition and affect their llermophobic effects when exposed to sunlight. Smoke agent is smoke as a carrier to achieve the purpose of medication, so in the shed before the use of smoke to check the shed surface, make up the loopholes, so that the shed closed strictly, the effect of prevention and control is good. In addition, when vegetables grow weak, do not use or reduce the use of smoke agents, to prevent the appearance of drug harm.

The details of the medication can not be less
When placing smoke agents, pay attention to the potion should not be close to vegetables, to avoid the plant exposure to too many potions, resulting in drug damage. In case of cloudy days, the humidity in the shed is high, the potion is placed on dry ground, in order to prevent moisture from affecting the effect of smoke. When the smoke is all ignited, the vegetable farmer immediately leaves the shed and quickly closes it. Smoking time can not be too long, normal smoking time is generally about 8 to 10 hours.

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