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questions :Treatment of Colelitheasis
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[Visitor (112.21.*.*)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2021-02-12
Treatment of gallstones
Anti-spasm drugs

The use of 菪, can relieve spasms, analgesic effect. Can have dry mouth, red face, heart rate increase fast, mild enlargement, nearshed fuzzy and other adverse reactions, pregnant women disabled.
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

Biclofenic acid, ketoprofen, pyridine, etc., can relieve bile colic, reduce inflammation. Indigestion symptoms such as abdominal discomfort, crying pain, nausea, vomiting, fullness, nausea, loss of appetite, etc. may occur.
Bile and anti-infectant drugs
Such as dehydrocholic acid tablets, bear deoxycholic acid tablets, can promote bile excretion, control inflammation. However, it is generally not used for the treatment of combined bile obstruction, patients with mild acute gallbladderitis may take amoxicillinclavinate potassium combined with methazole anti-infection treatment.
Surgical treatment
Laparoscopic gallbladder excision

The preferred laparoscopic gallbladder removal treatment with symptoms and complications has the advantages of rapid recovery, small injury, light pain and difficulty in finding scars.
Open abdominal gallbladder excision

The number of stones is large, the diameter of the stones ≥2 to 3cm; the gallbladder wall calcification or porcelain gallbladder; accompanied by gallbladder polyp >1cm; the gallbladder wall thickening >0.3cm with chronic gallbladderitis; children gallstone excision.
Perforation of the bile gallbladder by the skin liver
For patients with severe obstruction and inflammation of the bile tube in the liver, this procedure is feasible and can control the infection.
Endoscopic twelve-finger intestinal nipple indentation

Suitable for patients with the lower gallbladder stones accompanied by a narrow gallbladder outlet.
Traditional Chinese medicine treatment

Acupuncture, ear cavity, acupuncture, push and take and other treatment methods, acupuncture and ear acupuncture therapy is the most common, for some patients have a certain effect.

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