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questions :Tungsten rhenium Thermocouple
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[Visitor (112.21.*.*)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2021-02-17
Tungsten tantalum thermocouples were first developed by Goedecke in 1931 and were the most successful resumable metal thermocouples developed in the 1960s and 1970s. Tungsten tantalum thermocouples are characterized by: high melting point of thermoelectural filament (3300 degrees C), low vapor pressure, easy to oxidize; Chemical stability is good in non-oxidizing atmosphere. Electric potential, high sensitivity, the most important or cheap.

Tungsten thermocouple scales are W/ (W-26Re), (W-3Re) / (W-25Re), (W-5Re) / (W-26Re) and (W-5Re) / (W-20Re), etc. The long-term temperature is 2000 to 2400 degrees C, and the short-term use can be as high as 3000 degrees C.


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