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[Visitor (112.21.*.*)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2021-02-23
Polyimide film

The film preparation method is: polyamide acid solution is extended into film, stretched, high temperature acetamide. The film is yellow transparent, relative density 1.39 to 1.45, has outstanding high temperature, radiation, chemical corrosion and electrical insulation properties, can be used in 250 to 280 degrees C air for a long time. The glassing temperatures are 280 degrees C (Upilex R), 385 degrees C (Kapton) and more than 500 degrees C (Upilex S), respectively. The stretch strength is 200MPa at 20 degrees C and greater than 100MPa at 200 degrees C. Particularly suitable for use as flexible printed circuit board substrates and a variety of high temperature-resistant electrical insulation materials.

Thermo-solid polyimide has excellent thermal stability, chemical resistance and mechanical properties, usually orange. Graphite or fiberglass-reinforced polyimides can have a bending strength of 345 MPa, and bend-resistant mods up to 20GPa. Thermo-solid polyimide creep is small and has a high stretching strength. Polyimide's temperature range covers a wide range, from minus one hundred degrees to two or three baidus.

Chemical properties
Polyimide is chemically stable. Polyimide does not need to be added flame retardant to stop combustion. Polyimides in general are resistant to chemical solvents such as hydrocarbons, esters, ethers, alcohols and HCNCs. They are also resistant to weak acids but are not recommended for use in strong alkali and inorance acid environments. Some polyimides such as CP1 and CORIN XLS are solvent soluble, a properties that help develop their applications in spraying and low temperature crosslinking.

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