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questions :What is the opinion of agriculture geography?
Visitor (175.157.*.*)[Tamil language ]
Category :[Technology][Agriculture]
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All answers [ 1 ]
[Visitor (112.21.*.*)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2021-02-26
For a long time, the main research methods of anaemic geography have been: (1) field survey visits, including direct field observations, visits to producers or production authorities; (2) Collecting and analyzing relevant statistics and written information; (3) the preparation of various types of agricultural maps, including field mapping, with a large scale map indentation, with a variety of satellite photos, aerial survey photo data integrated into a map, with statistical data analysis mapping; (4) According to the above-mentioned data, using geographical comparison method, type-zone method, comprehensive analysis method, etc., to reveal the geographical differences in agricultural production, analysis and research of agricultural regional structure, type and regional characteristics, formation factors, changes and development processes and trends. Since the 1950s, there have been major changes in agricultural geography research methods.The main new methods are: (1) aerial images, satellite images, remote sensing technology, a large number of applications, so that agricultural geographical field visits to expand the field of vision, speed up, improve accuracy, coupled with the realization of mapping automation, more saving a lot of time and energy; (2) The wide application of electronic computers and the introduction of modern mathematical methods not only make statistical analysis and calculation work greatly reduced, many complex comprehensive indicators that were difficult to calculate in the past become easy, but also greatly expanded the field of agricultural geo-quantitative research, so that agricultural geography research gradually towards quantitativeization.It should be noted that when introducing mathematical methods, we can't deny traditional geographical methods such as field visits and qualitative research, avoid leaving specific regional situations and replace specific geographical content with mathematical methods...
The traditional methods of geoscience and new technology are combined, quantitative research and qualitative research are combined, field investigation and literature analysis are combined, map performance and text analysis are combined, single research and comprehensive research are combined, and macro and micro research are combined. Through the comprehensive application of various methods, we can better promote the development of agricultural geography.

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