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[Visitor (112.21.*.*)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2021-03-02
Give an example of what is global

the whole situation.

1, Qing Weiyuan, "Sacred Wu" volume nine: "Ereden Bao said: 'After several years of courtiers, stop leading all the way to the division, and now Mon Jane, when the overall situation." "

2, Qing Wang Wei", "Spring in Shanghai" poem: "The heavy ocean portal off the overall situation, ten thousand instant wind waves upstream." [1]

3, Qing Xuefucheng, "Shang Shang Book": "the special rely on great knowledge, outstanding not bewildered by the vulgar people from the start and change, in order to protect the overall situation."

4, "Twenty years to witness the strange status quo" 108 times: "There happens to be tens of thousands of silver herbs loaded into the lower river, conspicies know, then power generation to the river, to buckle this goods, this can be the whole situation has been affected."
5. Mao Zedong's Strategic Issues of China's Revolutionary War: "However, the overall thing cannot be separated from the local and independent, and the whole situation is composed of all its parts."


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