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questions :wang adptive learning model
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[Visitor (140.206.*.*)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2021-05-19
Adaptive learning system can provide learners with adaptive learning content and navigation functions according to their various characteristics and behavior tendencies, and adopt personalized teaching strategy to recommend personalized learning paths and learning resources for learners to meet their individual needs.The research of adaptive learning system has achieved fruitful results in universities or research institutions, and has formed a theoretical and technical basis in reference model, domain knowledge model, learner model, teaching model and system application.With the development of learning analysis technology, big data and other related fields, online educational institutions have developed a more mature adaptive learning platform using the rich educational resources and advanced adaptive technology owned by institutions, which provides a platform for exploring practical and breakthrough technology theories.Based on the project reaction theory, social comparison theory and metacognitive theory as the theoretical guidance of adaptive learning system design, this study completes the design of adaptive learning system framework for learning experience, and focuses on the two core components of the framework: learner model and teaching model on the basis of building domain knowledge model,And from the metacognitive learning experience, social comparative learning experience, learning behavior analysis and subjective evaluation of the four aspects of evaluation,The research content mainly includes the following four parts: (1) adaptive learning system framework design and domain knowledge model construction. This study takes the general model of adaptive education hypermedia as a reference model for the framework design of adaptive learning system, and completes the framework design of adaptive learning system for learning experience.The system consists of five main components: domain knowledge model, learner model, teaching model, interface module and adaptive engine. The domain knowledge model is the foundation of adaptive learning system. In this study, the field knowledge model structure diagram is sketched out by example in junior high school mathematics, according to CELTS-3.1 Learning object metadata specification set the properties of domain knowledge elements, according to the domain knowledge model structure diagram and domain knowledge element attribute settings, from the subject, curriculum and learning object three parts, design domain knowledge model reference norms, according to domain knowledge model reference norms to build domain knowledge models. (2) Learner model construction and visualization.Based on the domain knowledge element structure and learner's response to text, video and test questions in the domain knowledge model, the knowledge state, knowledge level, learning behavior and other personality characteristics in the learner model are constructed and updated in real time using the coverage modeling technology and data-driven technology.In the process of learning person model construction and real-time update, knowledge point and knowledge unit knowledge level estimation is a key point of learner model construction, one is based on learner's response to test questions, using the initial value personalized Rasch model to estimate the knowledge level of knowledge point, and the other is based on the knowledge unit and knowledge unit, knowledge unit and knowledge point correlation,The knowledge level of knowledge unit is calculated by weighting algorithm,Learner model visualization is another research focus of learner model construction, one is to design and develop open learner model MindOLM based on mind map, the learning model of the course knowledge status in the form of mind map to show the learner's learning progress, and the other is to design and develop the open social learner model TableOSLM based on tables, the learner himself,The course knowledge status in the learner model of the learning partner presents the learning progress of the learner himself, the group and the learning companion in the form of a table,(3) Teaching model design. The teaching model emphasizes the learner's adaptability to the system and the system's adaptability to the learner in the design thought, and designs the two teaching strategies of learner-driven and system-driven.Learner-driven teaching strategy emphasizes learner's autonomy in the learning process, and the learner himself plans his own learning path, and according to the learner's own choice, presents the learner's preferred knowledge point, learning object (text, video, test questions), wrong question review, learning companion and other learning content.System-driven teaching strategy focuses on the adaptive and systematic intelligence of the system to learners, according to the learner's current knowledge point knowledge level and learning behavior data, for learners to plan the learning path, recommend the appropriate knowledge point, learning object, review of the learning object (text, wrong questions), learning companions and other learning content. (4) Implementation mechanism and evaluation research.Implementation mechanism from the system and learner perspective, design the system architecture process and learner learning process, and give the core technology implementation source code.In the evaluation process, the sixth grade and first grade students as the research object, designed by metacognitive learning experience, social comparative learning experience, learning behavior analysis and subjective evaluation of the four evaluation dimensions of the evaluation model, the evaluation results show that: MindOLM, TableOSLM and teaching strategies can be a good trigger for learners in metacognitive learning experience; TableOSLM compares learners in a way,Self-improvement and social comparative learning experience have a higher impact on all three aspects; The results of learning behavior analysis show that sixth grade students, without experiencing formal learning about knowledge points, realize the learning effect without significant differences in the number and level of knowledge of the first-year students through the learning object and learning help provided by the learning system,This shows that the platform is conducive to the development of learners' ability to learn independently; The results of subjective evaluation questionnaire show that learners show high recognition of adaptive learning system in three aspects: usefulness, ease of use and satisfaction,The innovation of this study is mainly reflected in the knowledge point knowledge level estimation, learner model visualization and teaching strategy.First, based on the experimental conclusion of the initial value personalized Rasch model difficulty and knowledge level estimation, the knowledge point knowledge level initial value setting in The Rasch model is optimized by using the learner's pre-test data, so as to realize the more accurate estimation of knowledge level of knowledge point in the initial value personalized Rasch model.Second, the learner model visualization, one is to use the mind map and pentagram combination visualization form open learner model, stimulate learners to use self-reflection and learning planning metacognitive skills, trigger metacognitive learning experience, and the other is to use the form of table and pentagram combination visualization open learner model,In the two dimensions of learning planning and self-reflection, learners in metacognitive learning experience, in the comparison mode and self-improvement two dimensions to trigger learners in the social comparison of learning experience,Third, the two learning strategies of learner-driven and system-driven can trigger learners' learning experience in metacognitive on two dimensions: self-reflection and seeking learning help...

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