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questions :Mention the nature of aesthetics
Visitor (157.38.*.*)[Hindi ]
Category :[Art][Other]
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All answers [ 1 ]
[Visitor (120.204.*.*)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2021-07-08
Aesthetics is a humanities subject that studies the aesthetic phenomena of human society. It explores the essence of beauty, the content of research and the general law of formal beauty.
Social aesthetic phenomenon is an objective common social existence, which is full of all fields of social life. Aesthetics is the product of the analysis, abstraction and theoretical generalization of social aesthetic phenomena. Only by taking aesthetics as a discipline to grasp the essence of social aesthetic phenomena, aesthetics is a truly independent humanities subject- it is based on the essence of beauty, with aesthetic point of view to observe the world, to draw conclusions with the characteristics of the discipline. The relationship between aesthetics and philosophy of serving a better and happier life for mankind is close, and from the essence of beauty, the desire of the subject is the product of a combination of belief and psychological needs, and the core of faith is people's world outlook, outlook on life and values.From the object point of view, philosophy is the study of nature, society, thinking the most general law of learning. Of course, to include aesthetic phenomena, in this sense, basic aesthetics is indeed a branch of philosophy, a subdisciplinary, aesthetics should be guided by philosophy. But each discipline has its own professional perspective...


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