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questions :who were the characters in the painting The Last Meal
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[Visitor (120.204.*.*)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2021-07-22
The Last Supper picture shows Jesus and his twelve disciples, with characters from left to right:

1, Bardoro buys

Introduction: Bardoro Buy (Greek: Βαρθολομαίος), Christian translation: Bardoro buy, meaning "Doro buys the son", catholic name St. Baldolum, is one of jesus twelve disciples named Na dane.

2, little Jacob (son of Alephy)
Introduction: Alefi's son, may be short or old Biapitai's son Jacob is small, so it is called "Little Jacob." It was he who spread the gospel to Egypt. According to genetics, he was sentenced to sawing and separating himself during the christian's forced life. It is also said that he preached in Persia, where he was martyred. Because his name was only written in the Bible, he was often referred to as the "unsung saint": he was a reflection of many silent martyrs.

3, Andre
Introduction: One of the twelve disciples of Ann Jesus. The Greek Church called Andre "the first apostle to be called upon" and respected him as a patron saint, and he was also a patron saint of Scotland. Before becoming a disciple, Andre lived in the city of Bersay in the Galilee area, where he worked as a fisher. When Andrew met Christ, he immediately followed the Lord. He believed that Jesus was the Messiah, the Redeemer, the lamb of surrades, and the king who came. He not only walked with the Lord, but also lived with the Lord, and he was envious of the DeepEr Level of interaction with the Lord.

4, traitor Judas
Description: Judas, a Biblical figure, one of the twelve disciples of Jesus, also known as The Judas of Gallo. Born in Gallo, he was later sold to the Roman government by thirty silver coins, and after Jesus was crucified, Judas committed suicide with remorse.

5, Simon Peter (Bertollo)

Description: Simon Peter, formerly known as Simon Bayonna, was one of the Twelve Apostles of Jesus and one of the leaders of the early Christian Church. Simon Peter was crucified and died. After his death, he was added by the Roman Catholic Church as the first pope.

6, John (If Hope)
Introduction: One of the twelve disciples of Jesus. Traditionally, John was the author of the Gospel of John, three letters, and the Book of Revelation in the New Testament of the Bible, and was considered a disciple of Jesus. He is recognized as a saint in both the Catholic and Orthodox churches, and his birthday is December 27.

7, Jesus
Description: The central figure in Christianity began preaching around the age of thirty, and according to the Bible, he lost his life at the age of thirty-three. Pilate came to power suffering, was crucified for the sins of all mankind, resurrected on the third day, and ascended for forty days to the disciples, predicting that he would come in glory on the day of the world's exhausted judgment, build a glorious kingdom of heaven, and bring the final victory to the Good.

8, Doma (Dormer)
Introduction: This name is Dormer, popular translation of Doma. In Hebrew, the word "dormer" means "twins"; St. Dormer was a Judas Galilee and one of the twelve disciples called by Jesus. He is often referred to as a "suspicious Dormer" because of his "unbeliever" attitude towards the Lord's resurrection. In addition, in the early church, there was a volume of the Gospel of Dormer, often referred to as written by St. Dormer.

9, Great Jacob (Son of the West Pisces)

Description: The son of Sippeth, the brother of the Apostle John, became the leader of the Church after seventeen years of encountering the Lord. He was then persecuted by King Herod's men and killed with a knife, becoming the first martyred apostles recorded in the Bible.
10, Philip

Introduction: One of the Twelve Apostles of Christ Jesus, whose name was originally intended to be a warrior of truth and a fine soldier of Christ. He berlized after the Lord ascended to heaven and soon martyred.

11, Matthew (Matthew)

Introduction: Born in Galilea, Jewish, followed Jesus for three years and preached to the Palestinian side. The gospel was written in 42 A.D., later known as the "Matthew Gospel", and was one of the four major gospels in the New Testament. The gospel chronicles the life of Jesus, in the Words of Yarama, the lingua franca of the Jews of the time. Matthew was stabbed to death in 91 A.D. was one of Jesus' twelve apostles.

12, Matthew (St. Jude)
Description: A.K.A. Libaiu or Judas (not the seller's Galloist Judas), is the son of Alefi. According to church genetics, he had traveled by boat many times, and the godfather Jerome said that The Godfather had been to present-day Turkey, and that the king had been treated for serious illness by The God's doctor and the nation's faithful. He eventually preached to Persia and led many of them to their homes, leading to the displeasure of the authorities and the crucifixion of him.

13, the West Gate of the Endeavour Party (the warm-up Ximan).
Description: The Gulinai Ximan is a man who was forced by the Romans to carry a cross for Jesus on his way to his execution, as documented in the Bible. Because Gulinai is located in Libya, North Africa, it is believed that the Gulinai people are full of the first black Christians. Christianity traditionally thought that his two sons, Alexandra and Rufu, had later become missionaries. Their names are mentioned in the Gospel of Mark, indicating that they had a place in the early church.

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