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questions :Discuss the key features of Mesolithic culture
Visitor (47.11.*.*)[Bengali language ]
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[Visitor (120.204.*.*)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2021-09-19
Life is still dominated by hunting and fishing. Clan society has emerged People invented hunting tools such as bows and arrows, spears, nets and so on People began to live in the fields, and constantly moved people invented house building technology, and also invented canoeing People began to domesticate dogs, sheep and pigs People began to understand grinding

Life is still dominated by hunting and fishing

There has been a clan society

People invented hunting tools such as bows and arrows, spears and nets

People began to live in the fields and moved on

People invented the technology of house building, and they invented canoes

People began to domesticate dogs, sheep and pigs

People began to understand how to grind simple stone tools
There are not many relics of this era, usually confined to the mussels. In forested areas of the world, there are signs that forest land is beginning to be developed. Rapid reclamation of forest land was a Neolithic event, as agriculture required more land space.

The original Mesolithic of the Middle Stone Age was a combination of mesos and lithos in Greek. Mesos means middle, lithos means stone.

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