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questions :What is the principle of matching cost and income
Visitor (157.34.*.*)[Hindi ]
Category :[Economy][Other]
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[Visitor (120.204.*.*)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2021-09-20
Income earned by an accounting period or an accounting entity should match the expenses and costs incurred to obtain that income in order to correctly calculate the net profit and loss earned by the accounting entity during the accounting period.
The matching principle means that the income earned by an accounting period or an accounting object shall match the expenses and costs incurred to obtain that income in order to correctly calculate the net profit or loss obtained by the accounting period and the accounting. The matching principle is an important accounting principle under the concept of profit episomic accounting. The so-called profit appearance requires accounting policy makers to consider the direct recognition and measurement of income and expenses related to certain types of transactions in the formulation of accounting system. On the profit table, the Balance Sheet is only intended to confirm the cross-period allocation matching intermediary with reasonable measurement of income and become an affiliate of the Profit Statement. Cost refers to the various expenses incurred by insurance companies to sell an insurance product.Expense refers to the outflow of economic benefits caused by insurance companies for the daily activities of selling policies and providing services. It can be seen that the insurance cost is based on the insurance products or insurance types as the collection object, and the insurance cost is the collection object of the accounting period, the cost is the objectified cost...


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