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questions :Methyl Orange is a dash
Visitor (157.40.*.*)[Bengali language ]
Category :[Science][Other]
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[Visitor (120.204.*.*)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2021-09-22
Methyl orange is a commonly used acid-base titration indicator in analytical chemistry and is not suitable for the titration of organic acid compounds. The concentration of 0.1% aqueous solution pH is 3.1 (red) to 4.4 (yellow), which is suitable for titration between strong acid and strong alkali and weak alkali. It is also used for spectrogenic determination of chlorine, bromine and bromine ions, and for bio-staining, etc.

Methyl oranges have been used as acid-base control for chemical reactions in laboratories and industrial and agricultural production, as well as for acid-base titration analysis of chemical products and intermediates. The disadvantage of methyl orange indicators is that yellow-red ze is more difficult to identify and has been replaced by a wide range of indicators (see "Phenol"). Methyl orange is also an azo dye that can be used to print and dye textiles.


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