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questions :Nursing management for theories of ageing
Visitor (157.47.*.*)
Category :[Technology][Pharmaceutical Industry]
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All answers [ 1 ]
[Visitor (120.204.*.*)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2021-09-26
1, with common diseases, multiple diseases and common drug efficacy, reaction observation and monitoring capacity.
2, with critical and critical patients with emergency treatment capacity and cooperation with rescue capacity.
3, master the basic teaching theory and methods, with the basic ability to carry out nursing theory and practical teaching work.
4, familiar with the nursing research theory and basic methods, with preliminary scientific research capabilities.
5, with the ability to carry out community health education and health care guidance.
6, master the basic method of literature retrieval, with independent access to knowledge, information processing, scientific research and a certain degree of innovation.
7, master a foreign language, you can read the professional foreign documents, and have a certain listening, speaking, writing ability.


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