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questions :positive effect of the fax machine
Visitor (175.145.*.*)[Malay ]
Category :[Technology][Communications technology]
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All answers [ 1 ]
[Visitor (120.204.*.*)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2021-10-14
The most common of the four types of fax machines are thermal paper fax machines and inkjet/laser all-in-ones, while the difference between laser all-in-ones and inkjet all-in-ones is only in the way they are printed and the supplies used. Therefore, basically can be divided into two camps for comparison, one for thermal paper fax machine, the other for inkjet / laser all-in-one machine.

Thermal paper fax machine has the longest history, the price is also relatively cheap, its advantages also have elastic printing
And automatic trimming function, you can also set their own manual reception and automatic reception of both reception methods. Compared with inkjet / laser all - in - one machine, there is also a relatively large advantage is automatic recognition mode. When the fax machine is set to automatic recognition mode, the fax machine will stop for a few seconds after ringing 2 sound, automatically detect whether the other person is called by mandarin machine or the dial key on the fax machine panel. If the detection signal is a fax signal, the fax is automatically received; If only a voice signal is detected, it automatically recognizes that this is a call signal and continues to ring until no one answers and gives another receive fax signal.This receiving mode is smarter than automatic reception and minimizes missing calls when mistakenly set to automatic reception. In addition, thermal paper fax machine in complex or poor telecommunications environment compatibility is quite good, fax success rate is relatively high. The biggest disadvantage of thermal fax machine is a single function, only fax function, some also have copy function, can not be connected to the computer, compared to inkjet / laser all-in-one machine can not achieve computer-to-fax machine printing work and fax machine-to-computer scanning function. There is a simple hardware design, paging function is relatively poor, generally can only one page by page.This kind of fax machine in the menu design is also relatively simple, in fax special manuscripts difficult to manually adjust the depth, contrast and other parameters...
Compared with the disadvantage of the single function of thermal paper fax machine, the first thing that inkjet/laser all-in-one machine points out is the diversity of functions. In addition to ordinary fax and copy functions, all-in-one computer can be connected to the computer for printing and scanning operations, and some can also achieve fax saving to the computer function, which can save more paper and ink. By installing the relevant software can realize the function of sending fax and printing to fax. In the menu design, on the inkjet/laser all-in-one panel can be very convenient to set the various parameters to fax manuscripts, but also to achieve color copy and color fax and other functions.In the automatic paging function, inkjet / laser all-in-one machine can automatically one page by page feed, making fax sending convenient and fast...
However, the inkjet/laser all-in-one supports fax reception only automatic reception mode and manual receiving mode, does not support automatic recognition function, in the body generally does not set the microphone. In addition, inkjet/ laser all-in-one machine on the line requirements are very high, generally need to be directly connected to the telephone bureau's feed line.

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