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questions :negative effects of the fax machine
Visitor (180.72.*.*)[Malay ]
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[Visitor (118.100.*.*)]answers [Malay ]Time :2021-10-22
thank you
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[Visitor (120.204.*.*)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2021-10-19
Everyone knows that some electrical equipment will have radiation will have a certain bad effect on pregnant women and babies, so during pregnancy women will stay away from these devices, if because of work needs is no way to stay away, will also wear radiation-proof clothing. Below is about the impact of fax machines on pregnant women, a small editor to do a brief introduction.

Effect of fax machines on pregnant women
1, these electrical radiation are in the safe range of ah, the impact on health is not big ah, CCTV specifically said, of course, if you can prevent the legs of the least impact on the body ah, in addition to radiation prevention clothing can be used, some have a role, some do not, generally or choose a little better ah, but also do not care too much. It's more important to be in a good mood.
2, copier is harmful to pregnant women, copier in the process of work will produce ozone and lead, as well as low electromagnetic waves. And copier toner is also harmful, it is recommended that if you want to have children it is best to try to stay away from the copier, keep indoor air circulation, regular production inspection. You're planning to have your child now start taking folic acid supplements, because folic acid reduces the risk of malformations in your baby's brain due to radiation from a computer.

Pregnancy requires a machine to stay away from

1, pregnancy often contact with computers, printers, copiers, printing presses, these have radiation on the baby's development is not good, early pregnancy is best to less contact with these.
2, because the first three months are the development of the head of the fetus, radiation is very dangerous to children, it is best to pay attention to. Don't sit long. Rest properly during work, while strengthening nutrition and eating foods high in protein and vitamins.

The above is about the impact of fax machine on pregnant women, do a simple introduction. In short, this effect is invisible but will cause the baby stunted or even deformed children, so after pregnancy must find a way to stay away from this radiation machine equipment, in fact, in preparation for pregnancy should wear radiation-proof clothing, and fax machines such as machines to maintain distance, do a good job of eugenics and eugenics in advance.

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