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questions :If I were a king,
Visitor (196.207.*.*)[Swahili language ]
Category :[Culture][Other]
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All answers [ 1 ]
[Visitor (120.204.*.*)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2021-10-20
If I were king, I would be a man who respects the people, is responsible, is cheerful, laughs and laughs, loves treasures, and loves his country. Do everything first consider the opinions of the people, do everything is very responsible, always with a happy heart
love, everywhere looking for treasures, love the king of the people. When I want to make laws, I will refer to the views of the people, when I am free, I follow the courtiers everywhere to hunt for treasure, when there is an accident, I personally come forward to solve, to help the poor
Man, be a beloved king.
My country is a place where laughter can be heard everywhere. There are green trees and lively and novel animals everywhere. The people are kind, cheerful, lively, and respectful of me as king. The people of the country like small animals very much, and they cherish treasures as much as I do. My country is a place full of happiness everywhere.
My country's rules can not scold, anyone must read, can not litter, can not cut down trees, not to do bad things. If my people do good, I will reward him and hope that he will do more, and if he does bad things, I will punish him severely.


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