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questions :Administrative Environment Point
Visitor (223.187.*.*)[Bengali language ]
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[Visitor (120.204.*.*)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2021-10-20
Administrative environment refers to the sum of the factors that directly or indirectly affect and act on the administrative system. The factors affecting the operation of the administrative system include two major factors, one is the environment outside the administrative system, such as politics, economy, society, law, culture, education, science and technology, population, resources, natural environment, etc. Second, the internal environment of the administrative system, such as administrative system, functions, leaders, interpersonal atmosphere and so on. Here, we focus on the interaction between administrative systems and the external environment.
With the further development of administrative science, the study of the interaction between administrative environment and administrative system has developed into a discipline -administrative ecology. It regards the administrative system as a biological organism, the administrative environment as the ecological environment, and uses the relevant theories of ecology to study administrative problems, which provides many important enlightenments to people.


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