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questions :A caste words?
Visitor (106.193.*.*)[Kannada ]
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All answers [ 1 ]
[Visitor (120.204.*.*)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2021-10-20
The caste system is the "product" of Hindu teachings, says a local guide. But in my opinion, such "products" are unequal to people, because the caste system feels like the locals say "born unequal"! Hindu castes can be said to have four levels, the highest level is on behalf of the theocratic Brahmin, followed by Zha Dili, on behalf of the royal nobles, then Vysher, on behalf of the common people, and finally on behalf of the slave's first tyrannical! In fact, I also learned in the course of travel, in fact, there is a fifth species of people in India, such people are not even castes, Indians call them Dalit.
In fact, the local guide said, caste how can be separated by skin! Because India had no caste system, it was only after outsiders joined. During the colonial period, the ruling class was white-skinned, followed by yellow-skinned, and finally black-skinned indigenous India. Later the caste system followed this.


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