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questions :The impact of various theories studying educational technology
Visitor (112.198.*.*)[Filipino ]
Category :[Technology][High-tech Technology]
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All answers [ 1 ]
[Visitor (112.21.*.*)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2021-10-25
Modern learning theories mainly include: new behavioralism learning theory, constructivism learning theory, humanism learning theory, and compromise learning theory. But postmodernism is slowly having an impact! Under the guidance of the new behavioralism learning theory, the teaching mode mainly formed. Teacher-led, emphasizing the role of the main body of teachers, emphasizing knowledge, skills, pay attention to the study of external behavior. But the disadvantage is rigid, neglecting the subjectivity of students. Constructivism learning theory mainly emphasizes the cultivation of intelligence and innovation ability. Pay attention to cognitive development factors, emphasize student subjectivity, suitable for high self - conscious high - tech environment research. The disadvantage is that it is not suitable for students of junior grade. Formed a one-learning-oriented model.Humanism learning theory emphasizes the cultivation of personality and the study of emotional problems! It is mainly based on the criticism of traditional ( ignoring emotional factors ) education. Compromiseism attaches great importance to the cultivation of multi - intelligence. Pay attention to the study of two kinds of conditions!..


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