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questions :ethanediol what is?
Visitor (109.120.*.*)
Category :[Technology][Chemical Energy]
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[Visitor (112.21.*.*)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2021-10-25
Ethanol is an organic substance, commonly known as alcohol, chemically known as CH3CH2OH (C2H6O or C2H5OH) or EtOH, is a saturated monometalol with hydroxyl, at room temperature, under normal pressure is a flammable, volatile colorless transparent liquid, its aqueous solution has the smell of wine, and slightly stimulating. There is the smell of wine and the pungent taste of stimulation, slightly glycine.

The density of ethanol liquid is 0.789g/cm3 (20C), the density of ethanol gas is 1.59kg/m3, the boiling point is 78.3C, the melting point is -114.1C, flammable, its vapor energy and air can form an explosive mixture, can be dissolved with water at any ratio. It can be mixed with chloroform, ether, methanol, acetone and most other organic solvents, with a relative density (d15.56) 0.816.
Ethanol is widely used to make acetic acid, beverages, flavors, dyes, fuels, etc. Medically also commonly used volume fraction of 70%-75% ethanol as disinfectant, etc. , in the defense industry, health care, organic synthesis, food industry, industrial and agricultural production have a wide range of uses.

Ethanol and ether are isomers.

Danger symbol

S7 S16 S36 S45 S36/S37

Description of hazards

R10 R11 R20/21/22 R36/37/38 R39/23/24/25

molecular weight


degree of density


The dissocation factor

pKa = 15.9,25℃

surface tension

21.97 mN/m at 25 deg C

Boiling point


Security description

Very flammable, reserve transport away from fire sources, heat sources and so on

vapour pressure


Dangerous goods transport number

UN 1170 3/PG 2

chemical formula

Melting point


EINECS login number


Should be used

National defense industry, medical and health care, organic synthesis, food industry, industrial and agricultural production

water solubility

Mixed with water, can be mixed in ether, chloroform, glycerin, methanol and other most organic solvents

CAS login number


Flash point

13 degrees C, closed flash point

Exterior view

Colorless liquid

Don't call it

No water alcohol, alcohol, no water ethanol


1.074 mPa.s,20℃

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