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questions :euclid geometry
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[Visitor (112.21.*.*)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2021-11-17
"Euclidean Geometry" for short. A branch of geometry. In the 3rd century B.C., the ancient Greek mathematician Euclidean took some of the geometric knowledge as a definition and axiom, and on this basis studied the nature of the graph, deduced a series of theorems, formed a deductive system, wrote "Geometric Original", formed Euclidean geometry. In its axiom system, the most important thing is parallel axiom, which leads to the emergence of non-European geometry due to the different understanding of this axiom. The graphics discussed are called Plane Geometry and Stereo Geometry, respectively, on a plane or in space.
The establishment of Euclidean geometry is short for Euclid geometry, its founder was the third century BC ancient Greek great mathematician Euclid. Before him, the ancient Greeks had accumulated a great deal of geometric knowledge and began to prove the conclusions of some geometric propositions by logical reasoning. Euclid, the great geometric architect, based on the "wood-stone brick" material prepared by his forebears, geniusly organized the geometric propositions according to the logical system, built a tower of geometry, and completed the glorious work of geometric originals in the history of mathematics. The publication of this book marks the establishment of Euclidean geometry. This scientific work is the most widely distributed and longest-used book.It was later translated into a variety of languages, in more than two thousand versions. Its emergence is a profound event in the history of mathematics and a milestone in the history of human civilization. For more than two thousand years, this work has been dominant in geometric teaching, and its status has not been shaken, and many countries, including our country, still use it as a teaching material for geometry...

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