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questions :Colosseum
Visitor (113.211.*.*)[Malay ]
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All answers [ 1 ]
[Visitor (183.193.*.*)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2021-11-27
Built in 72 A.M., 48 meters high and covering an area of 160,000 square meters, it is the burial place of countless animals, fighters and prisoners, and the first 100 days of the celebrations killed 9,000 beasts, and about 500,000 people have been killed in "performances".
The world-famous Colosseum, or Arena, is actually a broken wall. If it wasn't for the endless stream of tourists coming in and out, a man standing under the towering wall, would surely be worried: Who knows if this guy who has stood for thousands of years will collapse and be buried under the rubble?
The Colosseum, whose real name is "Flavio Amphitheatre", was founded in 72 A.D. by Emperor Vesmaresiano and completed by their son Emperor Titu in 80 A.D. It can be said that no page of Roman history is not much related to the Colosseum, it has simply evolved into Roman life and Rome needs to mark. In the eighth century AD, Father Beda predicted that "there will be the Colosseum, and then there will be Rome; The day the Colosseum collapsed was the time when Rome died; Rome is gone, and so is the world." In 1084 A.D., the Germanics entered the city of Rome, the ancient city was ransacked, the Colosseum was abandoned, and for a time became a source of people digging for marble in search of building materials. This partly echoes Father Beda's prophecy.But the city of Rome still exists, the world does not perish, and history continues to open a new chapter. The feudal emperor who built this behemoth certainly would not have thought that today's Colosseum attracts thousands of visitors every day, bringing huge income to future arrivals...

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