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questions :Who evaluates psychology as a molik and a fruitful song?
Visitor (37.111.*.*)[Bengali language ]
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All answers [ 1 ]
[Visitor (112.21.*.*)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2022-02-17
Applied psychology is a rapidly developing and important branch of discipline in psychology. Due to people's needs in work and life, the related research areas of various topics have formed the discipline of psychology. Applied psychology studies the application of the fundamental principles of psychology in a variety of practical fields, including industry, engineering, organizational management, market consumption, school education, social life, health care, sports, and the military, judicial, and environmental fields. With the rapid development of economy, technology, society and culture, applied psychology has an increasingly broad future.
The basic premise of applied psychology is to apply the principles and theories of psychology to overcome practical problems in other fields, such as management, product design, human factors engineering, nutrition, law and clinical medicine. Applied psychology encompasses not only the following areas: Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Forensic Psychology, and Human Factors Engineering, but also Educational Psychology, Sports Psychology, and Community Awareness. The difference between basic psychology and applied psychology: in fact, their research scope is different. The former is mainly studied from the perspective of the individual, while the latter is analyzed from the perspective of the class. The collection of individuals constitutes a class, but in real life, it is often the individual who needs to solve the puzzle.Therefore, from this point of view, the relationship between the two is intersecting, and each field has its own unique side. Then if you want to conduct research, it is natural to learn basic psychology first, and then you can continue to study applied psychology in depth, but the treatment of the same problem is different for each school...
Basic psychology, that is, general psychology, is the psychology that studies the basic principles of psychology and the general laws of psychological phenomena, is the most basic and general discipline of all branches of psychology, and is also the first professional course for psychology students to enter.

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