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questions :How do singers feel in this world?
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[Visitor (112.21.*.*)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2022-01-22
She was praised by the media as a "new mezzo-soprano" after Mei Yanfang, "after the changeable song" and Cai Qin, "after the velvet song".

She is regarded by fans who have followed all the way as the "Queen of Mongolian Songs", the elegant and atmospheric "Queen".

She has many well-known works, "Flames", "Genghis Khan Dance", "Birthday Greeting Song" has been widely sung throughout the country.

She is Gege, a singer whose songs are more popular than people.

The song is more popular than the people

There is a saying in the entertainment industry: everyone who mixes the show business has a bitter past. Gege also had a difficult time, but that was not only a bitter past for her, but also an effort and warmth on the road to pursue her dreams.
In 2013, Gege took his parents to participate in the CCTV well-known program "Departure to Happiness", the host let Gege talk about the difficulty of his acting career, what people did not expect was that Gege did not "complain" to everyone, but told everyone that his parents supported and understood his work, as well as more than twenty years of love and dedication for her.

"Legend has it that the Mongols are the descendants of wolves and white deer, brave and strong, and my body is flowing with half of the Mongolian blood, making me more like a boy, no matter what kind of difficulties I encounter, I will smile and face it." 」 This is Gege's message from his first solo album.
Deeply influenced by his parents' optimistic attitude towards life, Gege's personality is also optimistic and strong, frank and confident, and even his laughter is hearty. Gege continues this attitude to life into her works, she wants to present more beautiful things to everyone, and the support of her family and the follow-up of Gege fans are the motivation for her to continue to go on. At the same time, Gege is also a very serious person, when she was studying, she was a top student bully, after becoming a singer, she focused on her own work, and in the past ten years of her debut, she has dedicated many very good songs to everyone.
Perseverance in learning and enterprising has made Gege's understanding of music more profound, and the interpretation of songs is more comfortable. If Gege's previous singing was "warm and delicate, like an elf", then her current singing is "natural stretching, dashing atmosphere". Professional and systematic learning, and decades of perseverance have brought her extraordinary singing skills and creative strength. Let her control of breath, emotion, pitch, and rhythm be more accurate, especially her stage performance, which is full of passion and tension, which makes people indulge and enjoy it.

The road to fame
In 2007, Gege entered the music scene with the single "Think You Think of the Grass Is Green" tailored for him by veteran musician He Muyang (Phoenix Legendary Royal Producer), setting off a national grassland wind in the music world; in 2009, he launched his first solo album "Flame", of which the title song of the same name" "Flame" quickly spread all over the country, and the download volume has accumulated more than 100 million times, and it has become the first of the 12 sets of square dance promotion songs sponsored by the State General Administration of Sport of China. But Gege was not disturbed by the huge temptation of fame and fortune, still focused on her own music creation and singing, she did not change her original intention, with better music to give back to the family and friends who loved her and supported her and followed along the way.
In 2010 and 2011, Gege released the albums "Snow Lotus" and "Waiting for You to come to the Grassland" at a frequency of one album a year, of which the main songs "Ten Thousand Trees and Flowers", "Snow Lotus", "Waiting for You to come to the Grassland", "Little Love Song" set off a singing boom again and again, her figure frequently appeared in the scene of various large-scale evening parties, and in 2011, she was invited to record the "Folk Song China" solo concert of CCTV Music Channel.

Subsequently, Gege successively launched works such as "Moonlight on the Grassland" and "Out of the Plug", which were widely sung among the people. But Gege's personal popularity is no more popular than her songs, and even some fans who love her songs don't know her.
"If there is singing ability, there will be works that can be handed, there will be Bole, there will be audiences and fans who like me." Gege feels that he is like the strong liquor stored in the homes of grassland herders, as long as there is strength and "dry goods", he is not afraid of this road, not afraid of the deep alley.

Break the cocoon into a butterfly

Just when the outside world thought that Gege would continue to sing according to this style, this stubborn Mongolian girl made a brave decision just like when she decided to enter the Central University for Nationalities to study music - to change the style of songs and bring different music to more fans.
In May this year, Gege released the first functional birthday blessing song in China that is quite modern and popular, suitable for men and women of all ages, and loved by the post-90s and post-00s generations - "Birthday Blessing Song".

As soon as the song was released, it immediately appeared on the major music charts, and was even included in many programs of CCTV, among which the on-demand rate on the song platform of the "Wonderful Music Collection" loved by the audience remained high, and almost every day some people ordered this song to send birthday wishes to their relatives and friends.
From the original I think you think the grass is green to the highly sung Flame, and now the Birthday Greeting Song, Gege has been working her own musical road, she constantly challenges and breaks through, presenting better works and better herself for everyone.

In fact, whether it is a song fire or a human fire, it is the public's recognition of Gege's works and Gege's unremitting persistence, and heaven will not fail to treat people who work hard, let us wish Gege to bring us more excellent works.

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