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questions :export promotion
Visitor (175.140.*.*)[Malay ]
Category :[Economy][Other]
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[Visitor (112.21.*.*)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2022-01-24
Export promotion refers to the fact that countries around the world take various measures to promote exports while restricting imports through various trade measures. Overview of Export Promotion Measures In order to generate foreign exchange earnings to expand imports and finance their own economic development, many Governments have paid increasing attention to the role and responsibilities of governments in promoting exports, establishing and strengthening export promotion organizations, forming intermediary organizations, and adopting various methods to stimulate more manufacturing enterprises to become "active" rather than "passive" exporters. The institutions established by the State include financial institutions serving foreign trade and the foreign trade public information service system, and foreign trade operators may also establish and participate in relevant associations and chambers of commerce in accordance with law.


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