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questions :incun fish canned
Visitor (46.40.*.*)[Hungarian ]
Category :[Life][Diet]
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[Visitor (112.21.*.*)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2022-01-25
Sensory indicators

Appearance: The container is well sealed, no leakage, expansion phenomenon exists, the surface of the container has no rust, and the inner wall paint has not fallen off.

The organoleptic indicators of the contents shall comply with the provisions of the table below.


Indications and Regulations


Taste and smell

Organization status

1 braised type

The flesh is normal in color, with a reddish-brown color with a slight yellowish-brown color of the sauce of canned braised fish, or the natural color of the fish of this species

It has a variety of fresh fish processed, cooked canned and seasoned liquid made of braised fish should have a taste and odor, no peculiar smell

The whole strip or section is packed, the size is roughly uniform, and no impurities are present

2 eggplant juices

Color: The flesh color is normal, the eggplant juice is orange, and the skin is the natural color of the fish of this species
It has the taste and smell of canned fish made of a variety of fresh fish that has been processed, canned and seasoned with tomato sauce

The tissue is tight and moderate, when the fish body is carefully poured out of the tank, the fish pieces should be arranged vertically (according to the fish segments), and the block size is uniform Impurities are not allowed to exist

3 fresh fried categories

The flesh is normal in color, showing a reddish-brown or tan of the sauce of the variety

It has the taste and smell of canned fresh fried fish made of various fresh fish that have been treated and fried and seasoned, and there is no peculiar smell

The tissue is tight and moderate, and when the fish body is carefully poured out of the tank, it is not broken, whole or segmented, the size is roughly uniform, and there are no impurities

4 steamed

It has the luster of fresh fish, with a slight yellowish tinge
Steamed canned steamed fish made of fresh fish processed, canned, salted and sugar should have a taste and smell, and no peculiar smell

The tissue is tender, the fish body is carefully poured out of the tank, not broken, the fish pieces are erected, the block size is uniform, and impurities are removed

5 smoky categories

The flesh is normal in color, giving the variety the sauce is reddish-brown

Canned smoked fish made of fresh fish treated, fried and blended should have a taste and smell, no peculiar smell

The tissue is tight, soft and hard, the fish is flesh and bone, the block is large, and there is no impurity

6 oil immersion class

With the luster of fresh fish, the oil should be clear, and the soup allows for slight turbidity and sedimentation

It has the taste and smell of canned fish soaked in oil, and there is no peculiar smell
The tissue is tight and moderate, when the fish pieces are carefully poured out of the tank, they are not broken and scattered, there is no serious sticky tank phenomenon, and the fish pieces should be arranged vertically (according to the fish segments), and the block size is uniform and there is no impurity

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