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questions :: Painter
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[Visitor (112.21.*.*)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2022-01-26
A painter refers to a person who specializes in painting (such as drawings and patterns), and is a painting art worker who specializes in painting creation and research, including Chinese painting, oil painting, gouache painting, watercolor painting, oil painting, lacquer painting and other painting art creators. Classified by country, such as Chinese painters and Western painters. Classify painting materials, such as ink painters, oil painters, and sketchers. Categorized by subject matter, such as landscape painters, flower and bird painters, figure painters, creative painters. It is classified by painter school, such as: Maritime School, Beijing-Tianjin School, Lingnan School, Changzhou School, Chang'an School, Huang Xiao School, Huzhou Bamboo School, Zhejiang School, Wumen School, Jinling School, etc.


Occupation name

Representative figures
Gu Kaizhi, Wu Daozi, Wen Zhengming, Qiu Ying, Zhang Hong, Xu Wei, Zhu Yun

Represents a city

Suzhou, Changzhou, Hangzhou, Xiao County



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