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questions :French revulsion leader
Visitor (188.172.*.*)[Albanian ]
Category :[People][Historical figures][History][Historical events]
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[Visitor (112.21.*.*)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2022-02-16
Leader of the French Revolution
The French Revolution lasted for five years, because the French Revolution lasted for a long time and was divided into different stages, so the leaders of the French Revolution also had different leaders according to different stages. At the beginning of the French Revolution, that is, the period when France was in the midst of a constitutional monarchy, the leaders of the French Revolution were the Count of Mirabeau and the Marquis de Lafayette. Count Mirabeau traveled extensively and had his own ideas, and was later chosen as the spokesperson for the conference. The Marquis de Lafayette, who had served as commander of the Self-Defense Forces, had vowed to dedicate his life to the cause of freedom and had come down to demolish the Bastille. He died in 1834.In the middle of the French Revolution, that is, during the republican period of France, the leaders of the French Revolution at that time were Robespierre and Saint-Justus. Saint-Justte was a young politician who, in the early days of the French Revolution, after seeing the scene of the Revolution with his own eyes, Saint-Justust's thinking changed. In 1792, Saint-Just began to participate in political activities, and he was one of the republicans, but Saint-Just was executed in 1794. And at the end of the French Revolution, the leader of the French Revolution at that time was Thalian. The Thermidorian coup d'état occurred because the Jacobins lost the hearts and minds of the people, and the coup d'état truly reflected the people's demands.The leaders of the French Revolution had different leaders at various stages, and they made their own contributions to the Revolution...

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