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questions :Dogmatism what is?
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[Visitor (112.21.*.*)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2022-02-18
Dogmatism, also known as "originalism," is a form of subjectivism. In a general sense, it is not to analyze the changes and development of things, not to study the particularity of contradictions in things, but to deal with problems by simply applying ready-made principles and concepts.
The main characteristics of dogmatism in the social sciences are that theory and practice are separated, subjectivity and objectivity are separated, practice is despised, perceptual cognition is despised, and the role of rational cognition is exaggerated. The individual written phrases of Marxism are regarded as rigid dogmas, rigidly applied, and refuse to make concrete analysis of specific problems and oppose the integration of the universal truth of Marxism-Leninism with the concrete practice of the Chinese revolution. Formalistically, blindly, and superficially completely and completely unopposedly carry out the instructions of the superiors, without combining the instructions of the superiors with the specific realities of the localities, departments, and units.
In the history of the Communist Party of China, dogmatism did not understand that the universal truth of Marxism must be integrated with China's concrete practice, which has brought serious harm to revolution and construction.

Also known as



No investigation into specific things

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