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questions :Aristotle Descartes
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All answers [ 1 ]
[Visitor (112.21.*.*)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2022-02-24
Descartes is widely regarded as the founder of modern Western philosophy, and he was the first to create a complete philosophical system. Philosophically, Descartes was a dualist and rationalist. Descartes believed that human beings should be able to use mathematical methods—that is, reason—for philosophical thinking. He believed that reason was more reliable than sensory sensations
Aristotle dared to criticize Plato's philosophy in order to form a new proposition: "He advocated proceeding from the actual state, preventing the degeneration of the state and promoting the development of the state. He is skeptical of human nature and "reason", advocating the rule of law, and the source of law is not [human reason] or scholarly thinking, but comes from history and tradition for people to follow and know things, that is, "historical reason". This is a very different philosophical path from the previous natural philosophers

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