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questions :The contribution of the city to the world
Visitor (79.106.*.*)[Albanian ]
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[Visitor (112.21.*.*)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2022-03-02
The contribution of Arab civilization to the world
The contribution of the Arabs to world culture can be summarized mainly:
First, ancient cultures were preserved and disseminated. During the long turmoil before and after the fall of the Western Roman Empire, many Greek and Roman classical works were destroyed and lost, and some of them spread to the Arab Empire through Byzantium. Arab scholars studied them carefully and translated many ancient works into Arabic. Western Europeans later re-recognized the achievements of Greek and Roman culture through Arabic translations.
Second, arabs have traveled to three continents: Asia, Europe and Africa, and have become the medium of cultural communication between the East and the West. They introduced the achievements of ancient India and Chinese culture to the West; they also spread Arab scientific achievements and Islam to the East.
Third, the Arabs were not only good at absorbing other cultures, but also developed them on the basis of research, and achieved great achievements<br/> in mathematics, astronomy, medicine, physics, chemistry, architecture, literature, etc The Arabs translated Aristotle's major works into Arabic, mainly physics, ethics, instrumentalism, etc., as well as Plato's Republic, the geometric primitives of the mathematician Euclid (4th to 3rd centuries BC), and archimedes (287-212 BC).

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